What does it mean when you feel heartbroken or like your heart has been shattered? The first thing we have learned to say is that someone or something has hurt us. However, if you're willing to examine the situation that led to the metaphorical broken heart, I think that at the core you'll find that your heartbreak is a result of things not going quite as you had expected, planned, or wanted them to go. You miss what you had, what you felt, and your future plans. You miss your expectations.
Sometimes you didn't see it coming. Other times you may have had an intuitive feeling about a situation, but you pushed for it anyway. You know that you can't control the choices that others make, no matter how heavily you try to influence them. However, you can always be in control of the choices that you make.
When you are able to self-reflect, then the true rebuilding process can begin. Rebuilding means picking up those shattered pieces, but rather than trying to put them back together as they were, making something better out of them instead.
You see, no matter what it is that leaves your heart shattered, you can't go back to the way you were or the way things were. You have new information now that you didn't have before, which means that you have expanded and grown. There are pieces that won't fit into the puzzle anymore, leaving space for new pieces to form. Better yet, there's even more space for the best parts of you to reveal themselves.
I talk more in-depth about this in my YouTube podcast
What if picking yourself back up means becoming a bigger and better version of yourself? In this episode I talk about what it means to rebuild your heart after a shattering moment. I've channeled the steps to Rebuilding to help you flow with ease into the wondrous new world that awaits you.